Saturday, April 21, 2007

300 The contrast, The lie of history

I suppose many of you have seen the movie 300. Persia has two thousand and five hundred years of civilization and the first known empire was Persia conquered by king Cyrus. Through the ancient history of Greece or Persia or Roman there are many heroes, of the glories, of their defeats, goodness and their mistakes. Some of them are highly praised for what they did whether it was war and killing or justice and humanity. Today Persian heroes are fairly ignored, even insulted for the situation now going on in the world, almost as if they can't accept the greatness of the ancient times upon this particular area. As a Persian, I don't wish to lie or hide the bad in my country's history but at least I have the right to demand the truth!

The movie 300 was lies upon lies so much that I don't know which one to begin with. I wish that only Persians were featured in the film by their own looks, however we are Persians not Africans. Slavery was banned in the period of the Xerxes I and all he did was to conquer Greece just as if their Hero Alexander the great did so. Of course he didn't respect the religions and customs in Egypt when he intended to overtake the revolts and the clergies intruding in government caused Metropolis to burn and Athens to be ruined. I ask all to check out the ancient statue of Xerxes I from the one shown in the movie and to judge the rest.

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